Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 26th

We got an early start, after a breakfast in a dining room at the Arena Hotel you just have to see.  

If you haven't gotten the full idea of how pretentious this hotel is, the following picture is of a rug in the elevator informing riders of the day of the week.

We had hoped to cross the border into Moldova today but continuous heavy rain slowed us down and we opted to continue to Kaminets-Podolski, a beautiful town with castles and bridges over deep valleys where people bungee jump in better weather and lovers engrave their names or initials on padlocks and lock them to the bridge railing.  We stayed here last year and we are back at the same nice Hotel Reikartz. 

 Tomorrow we'll do a day trip to Moldova and return here in late afternoon.  The hotel has a sauna and I've reserved it for Thursday evening.  I figure after a full day in damp cold I'll be in need of some serious warming.

I want to make a comment on something I see in every gas station in Ukraine.  See the following photograph and ask yourself if there isn't something unusual about liquor being pushed to people driving on the highway.

There's more to be written about today, a rainy visit to a street market with lots of puddles.  See photos of me and Phyllis posing with dead fish who tolerate the rain better than we do.  I apologize for not smiling but I was cold and a bit wet and I think I was upstaged by the dead fish.

Phyllis is smiling because the bag she holds contains a pound of her favorite Russian chocolate candy.  Her smile faded later when she discovered how stale the candy is.

For dinner, Alex came through again with a French restaurant as good and as reasonable as all the other restaurants he found for us on this journey.  I try to remember what this food tastes like because it will all change for me on Sunday when  l'll be dining in an Israeli Army mess hall on food that is known to be consistently bad.

 That's all for tonight folks.  Crossing the border to Moldova (the poorest country in Europe) tomorrow and who knows what awaits us.

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