Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Back to Monday, October 24
After breakfast (I have kasha and eggs every day here), we drove the short distance to the Vinnitsa archive. 
The archive by day
After entering by the side door, Alex apparently convinced the guard that we were there for a legitimate purpose.

  Up two flights of stairs, Alex told the clerks that he had requested documents. They gave him a short lecture about some of the document numbers not being correct.  We were not unfamiliar with these bureaucratic scoldings, after which the clerks were very helpful.
    We were given some documents, the first of which was voters' lists of Mogilev-Podolsky in 1906.  I was looking to find a name starting with B to show Vic how it should look in Russian, when I found two Berensons!

Amazingly, the list was alphabetical, so we didn't need to look further.
    More to follow.

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