Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sunday October 16, 2016

We got going early, found a neighborhood place for breakfast and caught a crosstown bus to 5th Avenue.  We walked a few blocks and arrived to a reasonable line at the Neue Gallery which is the permanent home to Gustav Klimt's "Adele Bloch-Bauer" more popularly known as "The Woman in Gold".  Along with Adele are several Sister paintings on temporary loan to the gallery and well worth waiting for.  There is no photography allowed but I will be able to show you some of the other pictures on Tuesdays blog.  There probably won't be a blog on Monday because we catch a flight to Ukraine at 6PM.  Here are some pictures of us from the Neue Gallery.

From the Gallery we took the subway to the World Trade Center Memorial.  The new building is spectacular but it was the memorial pools on the very locations where the twin towers stood that got to me.  On the low marble wall around each site the names of all the victims are engraved.  I recommend that any of you who haven't seen this and are coming to New York City, do not miss the WTC memorial.

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