Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Hi --
    You may recognize me by this lovely purple type, so as not to be confused with Vic, who writes in blue.
Today began with breakfast at the Swiss Hotel in Lviv, wonderful hotel, with not-such-great breakfast.
    Our wonderful guide and leader, Alex Dunai, arrived to fetch us and we were on the road to луков (Lukov),  in Voliniya province, near Kovel.
    Lukov is the birth town of our grandmother, Chume Melamud Goldfarb.  The town was in Poland and was called Maciejow when she and our father (age 11) emigrated in 1927.
    We had (and still have) almost no other information about Chume, except for her parents' names, but we looked around the town and found the former Jewish area of homes and a few shops (see photo of very old house with apparent extension below + others Vic will post).
    A very nice school teacher offered to take us to the town's holocaust memorial, but I declined -- maybe a mistake.
    I will try to post our itinerary below also.

Just back from dinner at our hotel in лутск (Lutsk) -- I had grilled vegetables and cherry crepes -- trying to eat cherry dishes as often as possible.  I've had cherry verenikes twice in two days.
     Big travel day tomorrow -- to Vinnitsa.

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